Aarne Arvonen

Aarne Armas Arska Arvonen was, at age 111, a Finnish supercentenarian, the alltime oldest living male person in Finland. He was the thirdoldest man in Europe since the death of 110yearold Frenchman Aim Avignon, onAugust 2007. He also became the seventholdest man in the world upon the death of American George Francis onDecember 2008. Arvonen was born at a time when Finland was still part of the Russian Empire.

Aarne Arvonen was born in Helsinki and was the last surviving veteran of the Finnish Civil War of 1918 having served for the Red Guard. After the Civil War he spent a year at the Tammisaari prison camp. Arvonen later lived in Kallio, Helsinki, and had two daughters, Irma and Paula, with his wife Sylvi Emilia Salonen. At this time Arvonen was a smoker. His wife died in 1938, and that year he moved to Jrvenp, where he eventually lived in the Vanhankylnniemi rest home. In the summer of 2005, Arvonen was still living in a house he had built himself. Soon afterwards, however, he was hospitalized due to nephritis. He recovered from the inflammation, and his health was good still in 2008, but he had lost his sight and needed a hearing aid.

Source: Wikipedia